
Sunday, January 21, 2017– The day I became an Eagles fan.

I’m not really into watching sports, but because of the people I have been hanging out with I watched the past 2 Eagles’ games. It’s so fun watching the game, and I love watching it with the people I love. Kind of cool how the people you hang out with can affect you. Also, I’m just in time for the Superbowl. 🙂

#milestones #willibleedgreennow?


Tonight, I am reminded of a story of a missionary who climbed a tree in the night to escape people who were trying to kill him. They were the people he was trying to minister to. He so sweetly said that he had never felt closer to God than in that moment of great loneliness and darkness up in that tree.

Lord knows I live for people’s approval. And so far in the year of 2017, he is ripping my reliance on these- anything that is other than Him.

As I am surrounded by the dark night and running to safety in that high tree, I am praying to God to help me feel closer to Him just like that missionary.

But sometimes you have no words to say, and thus your prayer is inaudible and unspoken. And I think that is completely okay.

No matter what sorrow fills your marrow,  whatever happens today or tomorrow,

rejoice in the Lord in your silence

trust in Him in His seeming silence

for pain may remain for the night

but joy will come in the morrow.


“When I was singing about All You Need is Love. I was talking about something I hadn’t experienced. I experienced love for people in gusts and love for things and trees and things like that, but I hadn’t experienced what I was singing about. It’s like anything you sing. You sing about it first or write about it first and find out what you were talking about after.” – John Lennon

The meaning of a song, an event, a person, whatever it is, changes throughout life. If you let it, it deepens. If you let it, the meaning, even if it was bad, can be better. Remember that time can tell a different story.

for Loving Me

Today, I was leaving my friend’s house, and the 13 month old baby walked to me and hugged me. D: like what. So adorable… He was sad to see me go, and he wouldn’t let go of me. At one point he hit his forehead on my knee, and I’ve seen him and his dad bump foreheads before as a sign of affection.

I’m not the best with babies, so he is my first baby friend. 🙂 What did I ever do to deserve his love?! Nothing. Thanks for showing me grace, little baby, even on the hardest days.