Take Heart

“The best news as you’re waiting for life to get better is that God is in control—and that He really, deeply, loves you. He’s never the source of evil; He has your best in mind. It might not feel like it right now, and it might feel like He’s moving kind of slowly, but God is working out all things for your good (Romans 8:28). If you’re having a hard time trusting Him as you wait, make sure to get in community with other Christians and go to a healthy church so others can help you walk through this season.

And take heart; seasons never last forever. Your life might not get better right away or even for a while, but one day, it will. Because of Christ’s life, death and resurrection, there’s a day coming when He will make everything new (Revelation 21:1-5), and being with Him will be the best kind of life we could ask for.”

– Ann Swindell

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